TAROT DECK - Digital Download - English

TAROT DECK - Digital Download - English

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ATTENTION: Digital Download


Here you get a digital ZIP file containing Rider Waite Tarot, which is the most popular tarot deck today. It was named after Arthur Edward Waite and his publisher. He was a member and partly the leader of a magical order. However, Waite did not create this deck, but Pamela Coleman Smith, an artist. It was available from 1909. Most decks refer to this tarot. This may be because, for example, it was the first deck to explain the meaning of the cards through the illustrated minor arcana. Before that, it was the case that only the eight swords were illustrated. Many new decks make reference to the Waite Tarot.

The Rider-Waite tarot cards can be printed. This is the complete Rider-Waite 78 card deck.

The cards are 2.75" x 4.75" and are the same as the original Rider Waite tarot cards. The cards are high resolution JPEG files.

This is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, no physical items will be shipped.

You will receive 1 zip folder containing the files in JPEG format.

The Rider-Waite maps are now in the public domain and are therefore no longer subject to copyright.

Suitable for small home printings, DIY readings, travel tarot decks, rituals, crafts etc.

These cards are perfect for learning how to read tarot.

Please note: This item cannot be returned or refunded.

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